Botswana's High Court postpones decision in gay sex case

Botswana's High Court on Thursday postponed its ruling on a case challenging the criminalisation of gay sex, which is being scrutinised by campaigners hoping the law could be overturned. Judge Abednico Tafa told a packed courtroom in Botswana's capital Gaborone that a decision would be handed down on June 11 after a one-day hearing.

Gesego Lekgowe, lawyer for Letsweletse Motshidiemang, named in court as bringing the case, argued the government should do away with the law in light of a changed society where homosexuality was more widely accepted.

"When the laws were put in place... society was not ready to accept same sex relations," he told the court, adding that now there was a song about homosexuality that was well-loved in Botswana.

Recent rulings have partially acknowledged the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LBGT) people in the southern African country, and President Mokgweetsi Masisi has signalled his support for same-sex relations. Read more via Reuters