Thailand: Upstart Future Forward party redraws Thai political map

BANGKOK: Dynamised by a telegenic billionaire, staffed by trendy graduates and powered by the millennial vote, Future Forward (FFP) has emerged as a new force in Thai politics, with a mission to restructure an unequal economy and take an axe to the army's influence.

At FFP's headquarters in Bangkok the euphoria was barely concealed as early results from Sunday's election showed it on track to 30 lower house seats, with a proportional party list system likely to reward their five million-plus ballots with dozens more.

If the results play out - and the menace of legal troubles fades for Future Forward - it will be Thailand's third largest party, barely a year after being formed.

Its agenda is radical; re-writing the constitution to excise the military from politics, slashing the defence budget, ending conscription and addressing Thailand's chasmic inequality. And its 40-year-old head, Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, scion of the Thai Summit auto-parts group, says he is in it for the long haul.

"The party was not formed just to run in this election," he told AFP, asserting "our end game" is to help Thailand return to a democracy.

"Our agenda is the public agenda ... we are here because we want to push for genuine change."

Thanathorn knocks back a mug of water handed to him by a young aide, wearing a Future Forward t-shirt and brogues - without socks - like several other staffers. Read more via Channel News Asia