Ireland: ‘You just don’t understand why someone has so much hate for who you are’

In October 2018 Cameron Keighron received two death threats online. The first, which read “I hope you die”, appeared under a Facebook status he’d posted about his positive experience of transitioning to become a man.

Keighron deleted the message, blocked the user and reported the incident to the Garda Síochána.

A fortnight later he woke up one morning to discover a new comment. “They told me that I should kill myself and that I was a disgusting freak of nature and how could any organisation want me to work with them.”

He immediately felt deeply afraid for his safety.

His mother’s reaction to the message distressed him further. “Seeing how she felt . . . it was worse because not only was this affecting me but it was also affecting my family. When I came out as trans, the first thing my sister said was she was scared for my life going forward.” Read more via Irish Times