Ecuador: Gay marriage takes effect

Gay marriage came into effect on Tuesday in Ecuador after two key sentences that allow civil weddings between people of the same sex were published in the official gazette on the eve. With the publication of the final decisions of the Constitutional Court in the Official Registry, same-sex couples can go to the offices of the civil registry throughout the Ecuadorian territory and get married.That happened shortly after when the civil registry indicated in a statement that same-sex couples can now "know the requirements, costs and schedule their appointment" to get married.

The Ecuadorian federation of LGBTI organizations indicated on its website that at the moment they have registered the data of 57 same-sex couples seeking to marry, the majority in Guayaquil, followed by the capital Quito, but also in the cities of Babahoyo, Portoviejo and Cuenca.

The two sentences were issued on June 12, but they delayed publication in the official gazette for almost a month. During this period, the highest court denied as inadmissible an appeal for clarification and extension of the sentence requested by a group of conservative religious organizations that opposed the decision based on the constitutional principle of equality between individuals.

The Court resolved the claims filed by two homosexual couples who resorted to all legal instances to demand their right to marry. After a long struggle, in March the Provincial Court elevated the consultation to the Constitutional Court. After asking homosexual defense organizations, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a favorable opinion for Ecuador to approve equal civil marriage.

Nearly a hundred law professors from various universities in South America supported the decisions of the CC and affirmed that the rulings "reject the exclusion and discrimination in which LGBTI people have lived, based on the defense of their rights."

Matrimonio gay entra en vigencia en Ecuador

El matrimonio gay entró el martes en vigencia en Ecuador luego de que en la víspera se publicaran en la gaceta oficial dos sentencias claves que permiten las bodas civiles entre personas del mismo sexo.

Con la publicación de los fallos definitivos de la Corte Constitucional en el Registro Oficial, las parejas del mismo sexo podrán acudir a las oficinas del registro civil en todo el territorio ecuatoriano y contraer matrimonio. Eso ocurrió poco después cuando el registro civil indicó en un comunicado que las parejas del mismo sexo ya pueden “conocer los requisitos, costos y agendar su cita” para casarse.

La federación ecuatoriana de organizaciones LGBTI indicó en su sitio de internet que al momento se tienen registrados los datos de 57 parejas del mismo sexo que buscan casarse, la mayoría en Guayaquil, seguida de la capital Quito, pero también en las ciudades de Babahoyo, Portoviejo y Cuenca.

Las dos sentencias se emitieron el 12 de junio, pero demoraron en publicarse en la gaceta oficial casi un mes. Durante este periodo, el máximo tribunal negó por improcedente un recurso de aclaración y ampliación de sentencia solicitado por un colectivo de organizaciones religiosas conservadoras que se oponía a la decisión basada en el principio constitucional a la igualdad entre las personas. Read more via VOA