Turkey: Queer Supply in Literature

What is KaosQueer +?

KaosQueer + is a peer-reviewed journal published annually. In addition to the articles of theory, research and analysis, which are of the nature of the article, they are also open to essays and essays which reflect the subjective views of the authors who have touched the fields of contemporary politics, art, science and philosophy. Each issue also includes the introduction of theses produced in social sciences, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields that are in contact with the fields of queer theory and studies. For more information about the academic writing rules and general information about the journal, please visit the website:  http://www.kaos-q.com/anayfa.php

Where can I find it?

You can access KaosQueer + magazine from many bookstores, online book sites or subscribe. To subscribe,  send an  e-mail to semih@kaosgl.org .

The magazine is distributed by NotaBene Publications. Click here to buy the magazine online .

Queer Supply in Literature

The eighth issue of the ”Queer Literature” file, published by the refereed journal of queer studies KaosQueer +, has been published.

“In the eighth issue of Chaos Q +, we pursued queer as an attitude in literature. In the text itself, in the identity of the author, in the act of writing, in the destruction of canonical, mainstream literary representation, and in the struggle against the (hetero) norm, queer appears both as a critical method and as a position against (hetero) normativity.

“When it comes to queer, especially in Turkish literature studies, the first thing that comes to mind is whether there is LGBTI + representation in the text. However, the presence of a queer vein in the text does not stem from the diversity of identities and experiences other than heterosexuality or nativity. Contrary to popular belief, the fact that the author of the text is gay, bisexual or trans, or that the text is LGBTI + inclusive does not directly queer it. Queer supply in text, criticism, or writing; challenges a literary representation, fictional elements, fiction, genre, and the practice of writing itself, blurs its boundaries, opposes the construction of each construction with dual oppositions, and opposes the practice of domination of categories to another, The question lies in the question of the inherent creation and politics of monolithic and stereotypical reception of these contexts, ignoring the diversity of identity and experience. As a matter of fact, since there is no critical theory or action on queer sexual orientation and gender identity, it is possible to follow the traces of queer in all disciplines, creations and in short everywhere.

"Queer, and methods of intervention in the areas of social sciences in Turkey today any intersection and makes himself sound art has created a place. We hope that the queer's penetration into interdisciplinary studies and critical perspectives on Turkish literature will become widespread, and both this file and all the issues of KaosQ + will create opportunities in these two channels.

Bil Bilge Ulusman, Serdar Küçük, Süleyman Bölükbaş and Şenol Topçu; Berfin Atlı, İdil Hafızoğlu, İpek Şahinler and Yağız Ay; Orhan Cem Çetin with his photographs; Derya Bayraktaroğlu and Nilbar Güreş interviews; İpek Şahinler and Sevcan Tiftik contributed with the introduction of their master thesis. He also translated the texts of Murat Göç, Eve K. Sedgwick and Stephen Barber. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the publication of the KaosQ + ”literature” file, especially to our referees, KaosQ + and KaosGL team.

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