Poland: Kaja Godek submits to the Sejm bill banning the Equality Marches

by Paweł Rutkiewicz

Kaja Godek won an abortion ban in Poland and now returns to the theme of Equality Marches. On Monday, she signs in the Sejm a civic draft law prohibiting demonstrations in the name of tolerance for sexual minorities.

On Monday, November 9, Kaja Godek is to submit a list of signatures collected under a civic draft law banning the organization of Equality Marches - that is, demonstrations to defend tolerance for sexual minorities and social equality for the LGBT + community. The collection of signatures started in mid-August. After Elżbieta Witek, the Speaker of the Sejm from Law and Justice, accepted the notification about the creation of the so-called a legislative initiative committee with the meaningful name "Stop LGBT".

Attorney Michał Wawrykiewicz, an attorney involved in the Free Courts initiative, whom we asked at the time to comment on the content of the act, described it briefly: - It's apartheid!

Anti-LGBT bill

What exactly do Godek and its foundation Życie i Rodzina want to ban? The draft states that if it is passed, the purpose of the meetings could not apply to:

  • questioning marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman,

  • promoting the extension of marriage to persons of the same sex,

  • promoting same-sex unions or unions consisting of more than two people,

  • promote the privileged treatment of same-sex unions or unions of more than two people,

  • promoting legal solutions aimed at privileging same-sex relationships,

  • promoting the possibility of adopting children by persons of the same sex,

  • promoting sexual orientations other than heterosexuality,

  • promoting gender as an entity independent of biological conditions,

  • promoting sexual activity of children and adolescents under the age of 18.

Slava Melnyk, president of the Campaign Against Homophobia, described claims that the circles fighting for the equality of LGBT people "propagated" anything other than mere tolerance towards them and openness to their presence in society, described by Slava Melnyk, president of Campaign Against Homophobia, as "utter nonsense" . However, the obvious falsehood of the accusations against the LGBT community does not prevent Godek from seeking to establish laws that harm not only LGBT people, but also all Poles who would like to live in a tolerant society. Read more via Wyborcza