Turkey: Sale of LGBT and rainbow-themed products without a +18 warning is illegal

The Advertising Board within the Ministry of Commerce decided that LGBT and rainbow-themed products should be offered for sale on e-commerce sites with the phrase +18.

In the letter sent on the subject, it was stated that a large number of consumer applications have been made to the Ministry, stating that the products offered for sale through e-commerce sites "LGBT with the phrase LGBT and rainbow themes without the +18 age warning will especially affect the development of children".

In the article, it was stated that "The promotion of the aforementioned products without the +18 age warning ... constitutes a violation of the legal regulations" and it was stated that it was decided to suspend advertisements against the person and organizations who offered them for sale without using this phrase.

In the letter sent with the signature of Oğuz Şahin, Deputy General Manager of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance of the Ministry of Commerce, it was stated, "In this context, e-commerce platforms, which are widely used by consumers throughout the country, should be sensitive about this issue and I request your information to take the aforementioned measures."

The article referred to the subparagraphs a and f of the first paragraph of Article 24 of the Regulation on Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices, which entered into force in 2015 regarding the taking of the said decision. Read more via BBC