Russia: Research into adolescent experiences influenced by the "prohibition of propaganda" law

We continue to explore the adolescent experience that has been influenced by the "prohibition of propaganda" law. Take part in the survey and win a prize!

The questionnaire is designed for people from 18 to 21 years old.

We investigate how adolescents living in the country feel after the adoption of the law on "banning propaganda." If you are over 18, but under 22, then part of your life has definitely passed with this law in the background.

In the text of the survey, questions about whether you, as a teenager, encountered difficulties in finding information, with violence, insults, threats, bullying on the Internet, access to psychological help, etc.


In 2013, a law was passed introducing Article 6.21 into the Administrative Offenses Code, which provides for punishment for “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors”. The concept of propaganda is interpreted by government agencies quite loosely, therefore, any story not only about LGBT people and demonstration of symbols associated with LGBT people, but also about sexuality and gender in general, can fall under it.

The problem is that, in fact, the existence of this law and its application limit the access of minors to information about sexuality and gender. As a result, society has a host of negative consequences: from early pregnancies and STIs (due to lack of information about sex life) to violence and aggression from both peers and adults (due to the sexual orientation or gender identity of a teenager).

The law applies to everyone, even those who are over 18: under the pretext of fighting non-traditional values, regardless of age, access to information is completely blocked.


We will present a report on the situation of children in Russia for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Based on the results of consideration of our report, the Committee will be able to draw up a list of questions to Russia, to which the Russian delegation will have to answer. This will give the chance that the Russian government will heed international criticism of the law and the situation will begin to improve.


All survey participants and participants will take part in the prize drawing (for this you will need to leave your email address at the end of the questionnaire) - universal gift cards with a face value of 2,000 rubles.

Read more via Coming Out