Colombia: Peak and gender rises throughout Bogotá

After several weeks of the Peak and Gender, a measure proposed by Claudia López, which sought to control the flow of people who went out to get supplies and, thus, avoid crowds and evasions into isolation, will be lifted from next May 11.

López, who described the measure as "very successful", assured that it will not be needed due to the number of people who will have been authorized to leave since May 11.

"There are so many authorized people leaving that it is frankly almost impossible to send the police to do that type of control," she said. According to Fenalco, while the 'Pico y género' worked, the crowds in supermarkets, squares and banks fell by 70%.

Now, going out on the street will depend on self-care "we already depend on each citizen doing self-care control," said López. Read more via El Tiempo