Australia: Name the second chick of famous gay penguins Sphen and Magic

Three things are certain in life — death, taxes and gay penguins stealing eggsSphen and Magic went viral in 2018 when the same-sex couple ‘adopted’ an egg. SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium carers initially named the chick the pair hatched Lara. However, the public nicknamed her Sphengic after her two dads.

In 2020, Sphen and Magic adopted their second egg. That egg hatched in November.


Now SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium is looking to name Sphen and Magic’s second baby.

The penguin carers learned from Sphengic that the public wants a say in naming the famous offspring. So today, on Penguin Awareness Day, the Darling Harbour aquarium is asking for help to name the chick of the world’s most famous gay penguin couple.

Name the chick and win the chance to meet the waddling family

Kerrie Dixon, SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium’s Penguin Supervisor, said the chick was now as big as its dads.

“We thought the best way to celebrate Penguin Awareness Day and raise awareness for the role our adorable colony plays in driving awareness for their wild counterparts and the threats to their survival, is to give Sphen and Magic fans around the world the chance to name their second chick!”

Kerrie said gender is not an important construct when naming penguin chicks. Penguins carry their sexual organs internally. At this time, carers do not yet know the sex of the chick. Therefore, SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium chooses names based on the chick’s personality. Read more via Qnews

Name a penguin chick & then meet them!

Our colony of seven Gentoo Penguin chicks are all grown up, there’s just one problem… the birth certificate of Sphen and Magic’s baby is missing a name and we need your help! 

We are putting out a call out for the public to help name the chick of the world’s most famous gay penguin couple and win the chance to meet the waddling family on the ice in our Sub-Antarctic Zone!

Now that you know a bit about the waddling chick, what should they be named? Submit your suggestion below and in 25 words or less tell us why you picked that name.

The competition is open to anyone and everyone around the world – borders do not apply when it comes to Sphen and Magic.

Don’t be afraid to be as creative or as meaningful as possible, because the winner will receive a penguin birth certificate PLUS the chance to go where very few have gone before – inside the Sub-Antarctic Zone to meet and snap selfies with Sphen, Magic and their chick. Those based in NSW will physically be invited on the ice and those living outside NSW and beyond Australia will be dialed in for a special private Zoom call with the famous family.

The competition is open from 7.00am AEST 20th January  until 11.59pm AEST on Sunday 24 January 2021 with the winner and the winning name selected and contacted on Wednesday 27 January 2021. Good luck! Read more via SeaLife