US: Kehlani fans broke LA Pride. Police helicopters were called in to send people home.

Many people who had bought tickets to Los Angeles’s pride festival were sent home disappointed when they found the event was overbooked.

The LA Blade reports that the Fire Marshal said that LA Pride was overcapacity at 10 p.m. last night, the day that out musician Kehlani was performing. The West Hollywood Sheriff’s Office started telling people to go home.

Organizers started turning people away, including people who had prepaid tickets. Lines to get into the event were over a block long.

“I’m just going home. I had fun in line but the line was my Pride this year, I guess,” said pride-goer Lauren Drake.

In order to disperse the crowds, police helicopters arrived and told people to go home.

“The fire marshals kept saying, ‘no matter how long you wait, you’re not getting in, you’re not getting in,’ to the people that were waiting in line,” said Jimmy Palmieri, the founder of the sober carnival section of the festival. “We packed early and we left because we knew this was going to happen, once we heard the choppers yelling. It was really crowded, but honestly, it didn’t seem like trouble to me. I think the cops were not letting people in no matter what, even if they had tickets.” Read more via LGBTQ Nation