Romania: Parliament Erases Transgender People

Tuesday, June 16th, the Romanian Senate approved a bill which forbids any discussions in all Romanian schools and universities related to gender theory.[1] The bill forbids „activities that meant to promote the gender identity theory – that defines gender as a concept different from biological sex and that gender and sex are not always the same thing.” The bill thus further marginalizes the transgender community that is already experiencing discrimination, with 1 in 5 transgender people in Romania experiencing physical or sexual attacks, based on a 2020 Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) report.[2]  The bill is now heading to the President of Romania for approval.

Human rights and LGBTI organizations throughout Romania were quick to condemn the passing of the bill and have asked the President not to sign the bill into law. Major universities in Romania, as well as student-led representation associations, have protested the bill claiming it represents an infringement on freedom of speech and right to education and might be the stepingstone for future moves to ban the teaching of gender studies in Romania. Read more via Mozaiq