
ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map Points To Make-or-Break Moment for LGBTI Rights in Europe

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, the annual ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map shows we have come to a pivotal moment for LGBTI people’s human rights in the region.

Annual Review of the situation of LGBTI people paints a picture at odds with a widespread notion that in Europe the work is done

Amid rising hate speech and crime, vulnerable people across Europe find themselves disconnected from the popular story of the region’s success in securing LGBTI rights, major human rights review finds.

Kosovo Court of Appeal Takes Historic Decision on Legal Gender Recognition

This decision is expected to be taken as a practice and positive example from the Civil Status Offices and the Agency for Civil Registry of Kosovo on how to deal with future requests of citizens who wish to officially change their name and gender markers.

Rainbow Europe 2019

The Rainbow Europe 2019 reveals not only a standstill in a significant number of European countries but a visible backslide on laws and policies safeguarding equality and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people.

Human Rights Watch Country Profiles: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

The following country profiles are derived in part from sections of the Human Rights Watch 2019 World Report that relate to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

Global trans perspectives on health and wellbeing: TvT community report

Today, the Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide (TvT) project team  is launching our publication, “Global trans perspectives on health and wellbeing: TvT community report.”