reproductive rights

How prejudice strips people with disabilities of their sexual and reproductive rights

Using sexual and reproductive health services can be awkward. This feeling of discomfort can discourage people from asking their doctor about contraceptive options or to check out infections. For people with physical disabilities there are additional challenges such as healthcare workers’ prejudice with regards to their right to have sex and children. South Africa’s Constitution grants people with disabilities the same access to healthcare as the rest of the population. But as the results of a South African study show, the reality is quite different.

Argentina: Legal abortion, an achievement for women's sexual and reproductive rights

More than 30 years have passed since that unprecedented March 8th when the Argentine feminist movement first stood up with a sign that said "No to motherhood, yes to pleasure". It was the first march for International Women's Day after Argentina's return to democracy, and the first time that women had openly demanded the right to decide about their bodies and life projects.

From Poland to South Korea: 9 abortion rights hotspots in 2021

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted abortions around the world, with lockdowns complicating access in some places, while other countries made it easier to get at-home medical abortions. But despite stay-at-home orders, the world's legislatures, courts and politicians have continued to make key decisions to expand or roll back rights.