Kenya: Church leaders praise President Kenyatta for his stand on gays

Church leaders have praised President Uhuru Kenyatta for his courage regarding homosexuality during a press briefing held at the State House, Nairobi with US President Barack Obama.

Speaking in Isiolo, Methodist Church of Kenya Presiding Bishop Rev Joseph Ntombura said as a church they were happy with the way President Kenyatta responded to the issue gays. Rev. Ntombura said the move by President Kenyatta was an assurance that he understands and respects the culture and religions of Kenyans. The bishop said homosexuality was against Kenyan culture and the Holy Bible adding that as a church they were not ready to be engaged in any talks regarding gay and lesbianism rights.

On his part the head of National Independent Church of Africa Eastern Diocese Bishop Stephen Karunyu said that the courage by President Kenyatta to respond to the 'gay matter' in front of Obama should be emulated by many who do not support such orientations. Read more