Regarding Religion — LGBT News and events indexed — Equal Eyes

Regarding Religion

US: Catholic LGBTQ Ministry Responds to Supreme Court Decision on Adoption Case

The Catholic hierarchy may think that they have achieved a stunning victory in the Fulton vs. the City of Philadelphia decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, but in fact it is a crushing defeat for the Catholic values of equality, respect, and human dignity of all people, including LGBTQ people. The decision is also a defeat for Catholic values of stable family life and the promotion of the common good.

Hundreds of religious leaders declare all LGBT+ people are ‘precious’ in call for global conversion therapy ban

Hundreds of religious leaders around the world have declared that LGBT+ people “are a precious part of creation” and called for a global ban on conversion therapy. The government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has funded a conference held Wednesday (16 December) to mark the launch of the Global Interfaith Commission on LGBT+ Lives.