
Australia: Just A Bunch Of Amazing Queer Black And Indigenous Artists To Support

Stonewall couldn’t have happened without Black and brown LGBTIQ folk, such as black trans activists, Marsha P Johnson and Miss Major. Black lives, Black LGBTIQ lives, always have and always will matter. Our community needs to remember this, and support them.

Dykes Resistance Tactics Against Police Violence

From Stonewall 1969 to Brussels 2020, from Kazakhstan to Serbia, how do lesbians resist police violence and which dyke tactics have been developed in different historical and geographical backgrounds? Please join our conversation and sharing of activist experiences

How the word ‘queer’ was adopted by the LGBTQ community

Originally a derogatory name for a homosexual, “queer” has been embraced by some in the nonheterosexual community. In response, some activists in the gay community (to use a broad term) started calling themselves “queer” in a prideful way.

Persons of Nonbinary Gender — Awareness, Visibility, and Health Disparities

As our society’s concept of gender evolves, so does the visibility of contemporary nonbinary people. Yet many members of the medical community may not know how to interact with nonbinary patients respectfully or recognize their unique needs and barriers to care.