feminism — LGBT News and events indexed — Equal Eyes


Poland: Working together to end discriminaiton

" What is LGBT for in our protests? You have to unite and some people will turn away because of it "; "Now it's time for abortion and women, LGBT now has no problems", "now you have to score PiS, that is, women, healthcare, entrepreneurs, not", "they push and stick everywhere", or simply: "wall behind women, away with fags "- comments on the net.

Turkey: State of Emergency is Still Going on for LGBTI+’s!

As Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways Association and Kaos GL Association, we met in Istanbul between November 8-9 2019 at the 2 day Solidarity Keeps Alive Workshop in Istanbul to discuss how to fight together as feminists and LGBTI+ activists against right-wing conservative attacks that have become more and more organized over the recent years and describing itself as anti-gender movements.

Harry Potter's Magic Fades When His Creator Tweets

“You’ll excuse me if it hurts personally, maybe a little too personally, that Rowling so casually mocks language that seeks to include me and other trans people. But I’m not shocked.”

Dykes Resistance Tactics Against Police Violence

From Stonewall 1969 to Brussels 2020, from Kazakhstan to Serbia, how do lesbians resist police violence and which dyke tactics have been developed in different historical and geographical backgrounds? Please join our conversation and sharing of activist experiences

Why the words we use matter when describing anti-trans activists

It’s difficult to precisely define radical feminism. But it’s clear that it includes a commitment to a very substantial overhaul of inherited attitudes about such things as femininity, masculinity, sexual desire and relationships between women and men.

UK: Campaign against gender reform changes launched

A campaign against the Scottish Government's proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act was launched by a new LGB organisation today, as Nicola Sturgeon was challenged on the issue of transwomen being placed in female prisons.