Kenya: True definition of LGBTQ community

Denis Nzioka is a sexual and gender minorities activist based in Kenya. He openly identifies himself as a member of the LGBTQ community.

"I was born gay and I grew up attracted to men," he told the Star.

Nzioka’s focus is on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people, as well as sex workers in Kenya.

He says everyone should be given a chance to be who they want to be in the society. He breaks down the LGBTQ community as follows:

A lesbian is used for women in terms of their sexual identity or sexual behaviour, regardless of sexual orientation.

Gay is a person who has same-sex attraction to someone of the same gender.

Bisexual is either a man or a woman who has sexual relations with both men and women. That is, if it is a man, they are attracted to both male and female, and if it is a woman, they are also attracted to both male and female.

A transgender person is a person who has changed their gender to become someone different from what they were born to be. If they were initially female, they change to male and vice versa. Transgender people have various degrees of being a trans. That means some may decide to change their names, others change the way they dress, walk or even the way they talk. Read more via The Star