BRUSSELS — The U.N.’s new LGBTI rights watchdog delivered the closing keynote address at ILGA-Europe’s annual conference that took place in Brussels from Oct. 24-27.
“This movement represents enormous strength, but it is a movement that involves so much pressure and requires self-awareness and the ability to take care of yourself so that you can care and look out for others,” said Victor Madrigal-Borloz in his speech that he gave on Oct. 27.
“People need to be informed, so it’s critical for LGBTI people to get their stories out there since stories allow people to connect”
More than 550 LGBTI activists and allies attended the conference. The conference’s theme, “politics for change, from words into action,” was announced as a forum to promote change by “putting out a loud call to politicians, institutions, partners and allies.”
Madrigal-Borloz elaborated on his concern for LGBTI activists when he told the Washington Blade during an exclusive interview before his speech that “everywhere in the world there is enormous progress with legal standards, however, there has been backlash and human rights defenders must be vigilant.” He also discussed the symbiotic relationship between populism and anti-gender backlash when asked about some of the global challenges the LGBTI community currently faces.