Strongmen Like Putin Threaten LGBTQ People Across the Globe

WAYNE BESEN is the executive director of Truth Wins Out. Founded in 2006, Truth Wins Out is a nonprofit think tank and advocacy organization that fights right wing extremism, the “ex-gay” myth, and anti-LGBT discrimination. 

The worldwide struggle for LGBT equality has dramatically changed in the past few years. From our movement’s inception, our great challenge has been to shed our invisibility and use education to overcome ignorance. On a cultural level we have been undeniably successful. By coming out in massive numbers, we have blown a huge hole in the closet door, which has allowed people to know that their cherished and respected friends, coworkers, and family members are LGBT. This awakened consciousness has led to a dramatic shift in acceptance.

Overcoming our invisibility and attracting millions of allies has given the LGBT movement clout that seemed like a distant dream not too long ago. This recently gained political power has afforded us the ability to create historic change through democratic institutions, such as the judiciary, and to a lesser extent, the legislative branch. While the wheels of justice in free societies can grind exasperatingly slowly and are replete with setbacks, in nations that champion democracy, individual freedom, and human rights, there is an upward trajectory that ultimately leads us on a path to equality.      

Unfortunately, we are entering a different era where democracy is in retreat, strongmen are all the rage, and dictators and despots vigorously challenge the idea of universal human rights. Although we are still achieving significant victories across the globe, the LGBT movement suddenly finds itself operating on perilous terrain, where the expansion of democracy is no longer taken for granted and our rights are being challenged, even in the heart of Europe. Read more via the Advocate