Thailand:  Being openly gay in a police uniform

This is the fifth in a seven part series featuring interviews with Thai lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) activists on their motivations, the issues that concern them most, their views on progress to-date and looking ahead.

Thanayuth Saosoong (Winnie) works as a daily report case officer at Sriracha Police Station in Chonburi, Thailand. He became well known in the LGBTI community and across Thailand after a video of him performing his daily tasks as an openly gay man went viral on social media. While it is expected that civil servants present themselves with an “appropriate manner,” he refuses to give up his freedom of gender expression. His story continues not only to inspire LGBTI persons, but also to inspire others to open up their minds and see things that are often labeled “abnormal” as normal.

Tell us about the video secretly filmed of you working in a police uniform. How did you become such a public figure in LGBTI communities?

Winnie: It was back in January 2017. I was doing my duty as usual and did not notice at all I was being filmed. As you see in the video, I was being totally my natural self with absolutely nothing to hide. It went viral because people were surprised at how I dared to be openly gay — despite the fact that I was in a police uniform serving citizens. Society does not get to see this kind of thing very often, or has never seen it at all. The stereotypes of a police officer are often those of a masculine man, reticent and discreet. You cannot find that in me [laughs].

Through someone I know from university, I have actually been involved with the Thai LGBTI community before the video was recorded. I guess people find what I do and who I am simultaneously interesting. You cannot be a police officer and be gay — the two being put together sounds uncommon and contrary. But when people see it in real life, it helps break the stereotype, the impossible. Take me as an example, diversity is within every job, every identity, every human being. Read more via Being LGBTI Asia

Uploaded by TopDramath on 2017-01-07.