Tanzania president's contraception views inconsistent with laws

Lawmakers in Tanzania have called out president John Pombe Magufuli for telling women in the country to give up contraceptive methods, arguing that the president’s position is not consistent with existing national policies.

Magufuli, who is an advocate for large families and huge populations, told citizens attending a rally on Sunday to keep reproducing because the government was increasing investment in the health sector, specifically maternal health.

However, according to Cecil Mwambe, a legislator, the country’s health insurance scheme can only accomodate a maximum of four children from one family.

He said this policy is informed by government’s acknowledgement of the need for family planning, adding that if the president’s message is to be taken seriously, the number of children covered by the health scheme should be increased to ten.

The speaker of the country’s parliament, Job Ndugai said the president’s speech was mere advice, not the government’s position. Read more via Africa News