Singapore: Human rights group MARUAH calls for repeal of 377A

SINGAPORE: Human rights group MARUAH on Monday (Sep 24) urged the Government to repeal Section 377A of the Penal Code, which criminalises sex between men. 

The Singapore Government's position to not take steps to repeal the law was "bewildering, disappointing and disturbing", said the president of MARUAH, Braema Mathi.

"While the Government has affirmed that it 'does not and will not enforce 377A', the fact remains that the presence of Section 377A in the statute book continues to marginalise LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) people," she said in the media statement.

The law causes the LGBTQ community to be regarded "as less than full members of society, and often feeling that they must hide who they are because of their gender identity or sexual orientation", said Ms Braema.

She added that repealing Section 377A will help to end discrimination against homosexuals.

It was also "inappropriate" for a conduct that causes no harm - compared to homicide and sexual assault - to be a criminal offence because a segment of society feels subjectively that it is immoral, she said. Read more via Channel News Asia