St Vincent and the Grenadines: Judge allows churches to join SVG’s buggery case

High Court Judge Justice Esco Henry, on Wednesday, ruled to allow 10 churches calling themselves the Christian Coalition to join the Government in responding to the constitutional challenge to the buggery and gross indecency laws in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The judge handed down the ruling one week after hearing arguments from the Christian Coalition, and lawyers for the claimants.

Shirlan “Zita” Barnwell, one of the two lawyers representing the claimants, told iWitness News that the judge agreed to allow the churches to join the lawsuit as an interested party.

They will be allowed to file written submissions and make oral arguments to the court.

However, in terms of evidence, the churches are restricted to filing two affidavits, Barnwell said.

Justice Henry is expected to issue her written ruling on Thursday.

Barnwell and Jomo Thomas are representing the claimants, gay Vincentians Sean MacLeish and Javin Johnson, who say the nation’s anti-buggery and gross indecency laws contravene their constitutional rights. Read more via IWN