Australia: Greens comprehensive LGBTIQ+ policies

The Australian Greens MPs

All Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) people have the right to be free from discrimination, have autonomy over their bodies, and access to holistic and comprehensive health services. The Greens will support LGBTIQ+ people and their families to ensure they are treated equally and free from discrimination.

The Greens will:

  1. Establish a $70mil grants scheme for LGBTIQ+ community organisations to self organise and advocate

  2. Provide funding for research and data collection.

  3. Ensure adequate and appropriate training for departmental staff so they are equipped to appropriately assess applications from LGBTIQ+ people seeking asylum.

  4. Ensure the needs of diverse families are met in Family Violence primary prevention.

  5. Invest in community organisations and fight for reforms that benefit transgender and gender diverse, intersex and bi+ people and their families

  6. Take action to end HIV/AIDS

Establish a $70mil grants scheme for LGBTIQ+ community organisations to self organise and advocate

Community organisations do vital work investing in the the wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people and their families, celebrating LGBTIQ+ culture and advocating for LGBTIQ+ rights. The Greens will establish a grants scheme that would enable funding of community organisations. There will be dedicated funding available to intersex organisations; LGBTIQ+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations; organisations working to fill the current gaps in data collection and research into LGBTIQ+ communities; advocacy organisations; organisations supporting rainbow families, and organisations supporting the resettlement of LGBTIQ+ refugees in Australia.

Fund data collection and research into LGBTIQ+ communities.

Although we know that LGBTIQ+ Australians lead diverse lives, come from a range of backgrounds and experience unique social and health challenges, currently there is a distinct lack of research into LGBTIQ+ communities and their families. Current and accurate data is necessary in order to ensure services are meeting the needs of these diverse populations. The Greens will ensure that organisations working to fill current gaps in research, evaluation and data collection have access to funding through the $70mil LGBTIQ+ grants scheme.

Read more via National Tribune