US: Accelerating Acceptance 2019

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Fifty years after the Stonewall uprising, the LGBTQ community has great reason to celebrate the many advancements that have created greater visibility and legal protections for LGBTQ Americans, but the fight for 100% acceptance is far from over.

Last year the Accelerating Acceptance Index, a national survey among U.S. adults conducted on GLAAD's behalf by The Harris Poll, saw an erosion in LGBTQ acceptance. Although this year's Index reports that the drop in LGBTQ acceptance has been stemmed, a growing number of young people ages 18-34 report being less comfortable around LGBTQ people in certain personal situations. At the same time, the Trump administration continues to attack the LGBTQ community through discriminatory policies and targeted rhetoric, and LGBTQ Americans are becoming more vulnerable to hate crimes and violence, which GLAAD documents here. GLAAD’s Accelerating Acceptance Report provides us with an urgent reminder that LGBTQ people and allies should continue to remain visible and vigilant on the fight for 100% acceptance of LGBTQ people.

There is a deep need for the understanding of LGBTQ people, both in the United States and worldwide - and GLAAD knows the playbook. Closing the gap to full acceptance of LGBTQ people will not come from legislation on judicial decisions alone, but from creating a culture where LGBTQ people are embraced and respected. This year’s results demonstrate an urgent need for GLAAD to reach younger Americans with stories and campaigns that build acceptance. Sarah Kate Ellis President & CEO, GLAAD

Read the report via GLAAD