Russia: Demonstration in support of LGBT activist Yulia Tsvetkova took place in The Hague

The international human rights organization Amnesty International Nederland and activists from five Dutch cities - Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Groningen, Eindhoven and Nijmegen - organized a demonstration outside the Russian Embassy in The Hague in support of the artist and LGBT activist and feminist Julia Tsvetkova. 

They demanded an end to the pornography criminal case brought against Tsvetkova because of her body-positive drawings, the activist's mother Anna Khodyreva told the editorial office of Siberia.

"Her schematic drawings of a woman's body have prompted a criminal investigation for allegedly" distributing porn "- on this charge she faces up to 6 years in prison. Together with 33 thousand residents and Dutch amnesty supporters who signed our petition, we ask the Russian authorities to drop all charges against Yulia ! " - written in the appeal by foreign activists.

In September, the criminal case against Yulia Tsvetkova 

was returned from the prosecutor's office to the Investigative Committee for the Khabarovsk Territory for further investigation. As part of this case, an LGBT activist is accused of distributing pornography for her drawings of the body-positive project "Woman is not a doll."

In support of the LGBT activist from the Khabarovsk Territory and against her prosecution under a criminal article for a body-positive project, residents of Russian regions regularly carry out various actions, including online. Read more via RFERL