Business, Workplace and LGBTI Equality: best practices and challenges ahead

Date: Thursday 19 November 2020
Time: 4:00 - 5:15 PM Central European Time

In 2011 the United Nations’ Human Rights Council endorsed the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, making clear that while the primary human rights obligations duty-bearers are states, the private sector has a duty to respect all internationally recognized human rights – including the right to be free from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics.

Shedding a light upon how corporations can fulfill this role the OHCHR developed the UN Standards of Conduct for Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI people in 2017.

The document calls upon the private sector to take its commitment to human rights beyond the workplace, using corporate engagement to strive for changes in the public sphere in order to promote the rights of LGBTI people. While setting these international standards is a crucial step, it is time to reflect if and how they are being implemented.

This event aims to bring together different stakeholders - including civil society, corporations, international organisations, and trade unions - in order to address different aspects of the topic of Business, Workplace and LGBTI equality, discuss the legal framework established by international human rights law, share best practices and debate the challenges faced - especially those imposed by the current global pandemic.



ILGA World, Human Rights Campaign, Stonewall.



André du Plessis, Executive Director, ILGA World



  • Gurchaten Sandhu, Non-Discrimination Programme Officer - International Labour Organization

  • Mitchell Coe, LGBT+ Rights Campaign Office - PSI

  • Leanne MacMillan, Director of Global Programmes - Stonewall

  • Beck Bailey, Director, Workplace Equality Program - Human Rights Campaign

  • Doreen Chow, Associate Director - P&G

  • Javier Leonor - Global Inclusion & Diversity, Accenture

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