Around the world, tens of thousands of people created a social media storm and have been #BreakingTheSilence on the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

Around the world, tens of thousands of people created a social media storm and have been #BreakingTheSilence on the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

Because of physical distancing, the Day was greeted with a storm on social media. On Twitter alone, a 24hour- count in the GMT time-zone revealed a stunning 14,000+ tweets and 28,000+ retweets[1], not to mention Facebook or Instagram! With countless individual and collective expressions of support, online conferences, concerts, cooking classes, drag shows or bingos, there was no limit to what creative activists imagined.

Webinars advocating for the respect of Human Rights of all sexual and gender minorities and Intersex people were understandably a very important part of the celebrations, from Nigeria or Zimbabwe to Honduras or Sri Lanka.

Several very important reports were released on the Day to underline the legal, political and social state of the world for sexual and gender minorities, and especially the impact of COVID19.

But not everything happened online. With due respect of safety measures, activists from Thailand to Chiapas, Mexico, gathered in public places to proudly demonstrate that sexual and gender minorities will not be silenced, in times when the COVID19 pandemic is being used in many places to roll back Human Rights for sexual and gender minorities. Read more via