Argentina: Trans labor quota in the State: by decree it will be 1%

In a historic decision, through decree 721/2020 signed by President Alberto Fernández, the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, and the Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, it was established that the public sector must have 1 percent trans, transvestite and transgender representation.

"It is established that, in the National Public Sector, the personnel positions must be occupied in a proportion not less than one percent of all of them by transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people who meet the conditions of suitability for the position", points in the Decree published this Friday. To guarantee that the quota is fulfilled, " reservations of jobs must be established to be occupied exclusively by transvestite, transsexual or transgender people."

As required, the measure covers transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people, whether or not they have carried out the registration correction of sex and the change of first name and image. They will have the rights to just and satisfactory working conditions and to protection against unemployment, without discrimination on grounds of gender identity or its expression.

"Every transvestite, transsexual or transgender person has the right to decent and productive work, to just and satisfactory working conditions and to protection against unemployment, without discrimination on grounds of gender identity or its expression, for which reason requirements of employability that obstruct the exercise of these rights ", it is indicated in the official text.

In addition, it is highlighted in the Decree that "if applicants for jobs did not complete their education, they will be allowed to enter on the condition that they complete the missing educational level or levels and complete them." Read more via Pagina 12

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