Australia: Aboriginal elder says 'yes' to marriage equality in Australia

A respected Aboriginal elder is the latest high profile person to throw their weight behind marriage equality. Harold Hunt OAM voted yes for marriage equality for all Australians because, ‘we’re talking about a fair go’.

Australia is holding a non-binding, non-compulsory postal survey on same-sex marriage. People are encouraged to post back their survey forms by this Friday. The survey results will be revealed November 15. The 91-year-old recalled the discrimination he faced because of his Aboriginality. Now he wants to see his fellow Australians treated equally, regardless of their skin colour or sexuality.

‘I was treated different because I was Aboriginal. We’re going to treat gay and lesbian people differently? Why?,’ he said in a new video for the Equality Campaign. ‘We’re talking about equality, and we’re talking about a fair go.’

Hunt received his Order of Australia Medal for services to Indigenous communities and is a pioneer in the health and justice systems for programs relating to alcoholism and other drug addictions. 

For Hunt, the simple link between marriage and love is clear. ‘It’s terribly important, to have the love of another human being, that we care enough about each other to want to be able to share the rest of your life with that person,’ he said.

‘What harm will it do to the country if gay and lesbian people get married? If people of the same-sex marry each other, what effect is that going to have on the country, on the lifestyle of people?’

Hunt has seen Australians embrace change for the better throughout his life. Read more via Gay Star News