China: At Wedding Market, Mothers of Gays and Lesbians Face Resistance — Equal Eyes

China: At Wedding Market, Mothers of Gays and Lesbians Face Resistance

A group of women trying to raise awareness of LGBT rights by advertising their single, gay sons and daughters at Shanghai’s “marriage market” were forced to disperse after a heated confrontation with other parents and security personnel.

The so-called “marriage market” at Shanghai’s centrally located People’s Park draws a large crowd of parents who post signs each weekend describing their children in an effort to find a suitable partner, but organizers among the parents of LGBT children said this Saturday marked the first time that parents with gay children tried to join them.

“If parents of straight people can be here, parents of gay people can also be here,” Dong Wanwan, a mother who had traveled 1,200 kilometers from Shenzhen, told the angry crowd. “We have every right to be here — I’m here to find a boyfriend for my son,” she said. Read more via Sixth Tone