World’s First Transgender Sitcom Debuts

We got into TV so we could make the world’s first transgender sitcom.

To say we were inspired to make The Switch is incorrect: we were quite uninspired by the television about transgender lives, and queer lives generally. TransamericaDallas Buyers ClubTransparent3 Generations – media “about the trans experience” curiously lacks actual transgender people. So we decided to make a show that actually reflected our lives... plus a bunch of stuff we made up. And, it needed to be funny. Suicide, homelessness, ostracism, increased perils in dating – what could be more important to make humor about than this, to find a way to laugh and stay strong in the face of life’s endless (and sometimes lethal) curveballs?

Okay, so maybe we were inspired to make this show. Not only does The Switch have a trans showrunner (yours truly), and transgender and/or non-binary lead roles played by transgender and/or non-binary actors – but also several trans producers and many crew, all working alongside cis allies. These are our stories, told by people who know the lived truth of those stories, and who give a damn about great performances. Not-so-coincidentally, this also makes The Switch the first scripted TV show with a trans lead. Read more via HuffPost