Canada: Critics deride PC resolution that calls gender identity 'liberal ideology'

Critics are speaking out against a resolution passed by Ontario's Progressive Conservative party that calls for education around gender identity to be removed from the province's school curriculum, saying it it targets an already vulnerable minority group.

The non-binding resolution, introduced by former leadership candidate Tanya Granic Allen, was passed at the PC Party's policy convention on Saturday.

It called for any mention of gender identity to be removed from the province's sex ed curriculum, deeming the concept an "unscientific, liberal ideology."

The party is now pledging to debate the issue further at next year's convention. The resolution does not form policy for Premier Doug Ford's government, but its symbolism sends a strong message, said Ottawa school trustee Lyra Evans, who is transgender.

"It really shows that there are segments of the population who do not want trans people to exist," she said.

"As long as it keeps passing at their convention, they're going to keep bringing it up because they view it as a politically salient idea." Read more via CBC