Regeringen ønsker, at Danmark er et samfund med frihed for den enkelte, og hvor alle behandles lige uanset køn, seksuel orientering eller kønsidentitet. I mere end 70 lande er homoseksualitet stadig en forbrydelse. Det er for os helt uforståeligt.
Som dansk regering har vi ikke kun en pligt til, men også et meget klart ønske om entydigt at markere, hvor vi står i det her spørgsmål. Vi skal ikke acceptere, at lesbiskes, bøssers, biseksuelles, transkønnedes eller interkønnedes (LGBTI) rettigheder krænkes. Hverken ude i verden eller hjemme.
Regeringen står på frisindets og frihedens side. Og nej, det handler ikke om, hvad ”folk laver i soveværelset”. For ja, det er nu en gang en privat sag.
En handlingsplan med fokus på lige muligheder, tryghed og trivsel for LGBTI-personer handler om, at et mindretal i samfundet skal kunne leve deres liv, som de ønsker, i tryghed med den kæreste, ægtefælle og børn, og med det kropsudtryk eller kønskarakteristika, de nu en gang har eller ønsker at have. Uden at frygte for flertallets reaktion. Uden at frygte fordømmelse, eksklusion eller overgreb. Men derimod være trygge ved at gå på gaden, komme i idrætsklubber og ved åbent at fortælle i frokostpausen, hvordan eller med hvem de tilbringer deres fritid, og hvem de holder af.
Som regering har vi derfor besluttet ikke kun at sætte fokus på, om lande ude i verden gør det godt nok. Vi vil også kigge på, om vi selv gør det godt nok. Derfor har vi taget initiativ til – som den første regering i Danmark – at etablere en koordinerende funktion hos ligestillingsministeren, så vi sikrer koordination af indsatsen, deling af viden og erfaringer. Og ikke mindst sikrer virkeliggørelsen af denne handlingsplan. En handlingsplan, der sigter mod hele tiden at gøre det bedre.
Vi har som land altid været med til at gå forrest og tage nye skridt i den rigtige retning. 1. januar 2017 rykkede Danmark WHOs diagnosekoder for transkønnede fra kapitlet om psykiske sygdomme til et neutralt afsnit. Danmark var det første land i verden til at træffe den beslutning – og det var ikke et øjeblik for tidligt.
Men vi vil videre, og med handlingsplanen er det målet at mindske LGBTI-personers oplevelse af mistrivsel, frygt for at holde i hånd på gaden, verbal chikane eller fysiske overgreb, selvmordsforsøg, manglende lyst til åbenhed på arbejdsmarkedet og fordomme blandt andre unge i skolen, på uddannelsen eller i idrætslivet.
Vi er derfor glade for, at vi sammen med de øvrige satspuljepartier kunne afsætte 25 mio. kr. fra satspuljen 2018 til at finansiere hovedparten af initiativerne i denne handlingsplan. Initiativerne sætter bredt ind i forhold til hele LGBTI-gruppen, men fokuserer også snævert på nogle af de mest udsatte grupper; transkønnede og LGBTI-personer med etnisk minoritetsbaggrund.
For regeringen er lige muligheder uanset køn, seksuel orientering eller kønsidentitet en præmis, alle skal acceptere – en præmis der ikke kan gradbøjes efter kultur, tradition eller religion hverken ude i verden eller herhjemme. Frihed, ligeværd og lige muligheder er vores fælles værdier. Og der bør ikke være tvivl om, at vi er mennesker først – alt andet derefter.
The government wants Denmark to be a society of freedom for the individual and where everyone is treated regardless of sex , sexual orientation or gender identity . In more than 70 countries homosexuality is still a crime. It is completely incomprehensible to us.
As a Danish government, we have not only a duty but also a very clear desire to uniquely mark where we stand in this matter. We do not accept that lesbian , gay , bisexual , transgender or intersexed ( LGBTI) rights violated. Neither in the world nor at home. The government is on the side of freedom and freedom.
And no, it's not about what "people are doing in the bedroom". Because yes, it's once a private matter.
An action plan focusing on equal opportunities, security and well-being for LGBTI people is about the fact that a minority in society must be able to live their lives as they wish in the comfort of the girlfriend, spouse and children, and with the body's or gender characteristics, they now have or want to have. Without fear of majority reaction. Without fear of condemnation, exclusion or abuse. But, on the other hand, be safe walking the streets, going to sports clubs, and telling openly in the lunch break how or who they spend their spare time and who they care about.
As a government, we have decided not only to focus on whether countries in the world are doing well enough. We will also look at whether we do it well enough. Therefore, we have taken the initiative - as the first government in Denmark - to establish a coordinating function with the Minister for Gender Equality, so that we ensure coordination of efforts, sharing of knowledge and experience. And, not least, ensures the implementation of this action plan. An action plan aimed at improving all the time.
As a country we have always helped go ahead and take new steps in the right direction. On January 1, 2017, Denmark raised the WHO diagnostic codes for transgressors from the chapter on mental illness to a neutral section . Denmark was the first country in the world to make that decision - and it was not a moment too early.
But we will continue, and with the action plan, it is the goal of reducing LGBTI's perception of misconduct, fears of street arrest, verbal harassment or physical assault, suicide attempts, lack of transparency in the labor market and prejudice among other young people at school , in education or in sports.
We are therefore pleased that we could allocate 25 million with the other batch parties . DKK from the 2018 cash pool to finance the majority of the initiatives in this action plan. The initiatives are broadly related to the entire LGBTI group, but also focus on some of the most vulnerable groups; transnational and LGBTI persons with ethnic minority backgrounds.
For the government, equal opportunities are irrespective of gender , sexual orientation or gender identitya paragraph that everyone must accept - a paragraph that can not be graded by culture, tradition or religion, either in the world or at home. Freedom, equality and equal opportunities are our common values. And there should be no doubt that we are human beings first - all else then.
Danmarks første handlingsplan for homoseksuelle og transkønnede
Regeringen lancerer sin handlingsplan på 42 initiativer, der skal fremme tryghed, trivsel og lige muligheder for lesbiske, bøsser, biseksuelle, transkønnede og interkønnede (LGBTI).
The government is launching its 42 action plan to promote peace, well-being and equal opportunities for lesbians, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTIs).
Half of the Danish homosexuals avoid publicly holding hands with a partner of the same gender for fear of attacks, threats or harassment. 40 pct. are not open about their sexuality or gender identity in the workplace. And homosexuals and transgender people have three times as many suicide attempts as the rest of the population.
It is alarming according to Equality Minister Eva Kjer Hansen, who also has the coordinating ministerial responsibility for lesbians, gay, bisexual, transgender and intergenerated (LGBTIs). It is therefore also crucial in the Government's action plan to counteract insecurity and mistrust.
"The government will send a clock-clear signal. We do not accept the violation of homosexual and transgender rights. We do not want this group generally to have a worse and more unsafe life. And we will take action behind the words. The government is on the side of freedom and freedom. Everyone must be treated equally regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, "says Eva Kjer Hansen.
The Government's new broad action plan contains 42 concrete initiatives. Counseling, networking and support needs to be increased. There must be more focus on promoting openness and inclusion in the labor market and prejudices must be combated. The legislation is to be seen through a dense comb. Finally, there is a focus on homosexuals and transgender people in ethnic minority environments, which is a particularly vulnerable group.
"There are generally some sad numbers, we can read about insecurity, misery and suicide. They are way too high. But it looks even worse when it comes to ethnic minority environments, where one third has suicidal ideation. It tells a story of a culture where ignorance and intolerance when it comes to homosexuals and transgender people are allowed to thrive. We must support the forces that take it, " says Eva Kjer Hansen, Equality Minister.
In the field of health and the elderly, a number of concrete initiatives are being launched to improve the well-being and health of LGBTI people. In the field of transport, a new knowledge center that will collect and develop knowledge in the field while also allocating funds for increased information and advice. In the field of intersex, information material is targeted to parents of children with variation in gender characteristics. Human health efforts are also strengthened in general practice in relation to LGBTI persons.
Health Minister Ellen Trane Nørby says:
"We must support and meet people and their diversity with respect and care for their life situation. With the action plan, we launch six new initiatives in health and elderly. It is necessary, for as it is right now, the LGBTI group needs us to help better. With the initiatives, we increase, among other things, the healthcare staff's knowledge and skills so that they can even provide ongoing support and treatment for LGBTI people. "
For the
Minister for Gender Equality: Press Counselor Casper Steen Pedersen, tel. +45 41 53 26 42. For the Minister of Health: Press consultant Natasja Dybmose, tel. +45 20 67 08 74.
In August last year, Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen launched at a reception in connection with CPH Pride that the Government should have a coordinating minister for the area and that the government would make a joint action plan. Minister for Gender Equality became coordinating minister.
Today, Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen and Equal Opportunities Minister Eva Kjer Hansen presented the first Danish Action Plan for Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender and Intergenerated (LGBTI). It happened at the rainbow place in Copenhagen. The plan is financed by 25 million. DKK from the 2018 rate pool. In addition, a number of initiatives funded within the framework of 11 ministries, many of which are in the field of health.
There are 42 concrete initiatives in the action plan. It sets in broadly. The initiatives focus on creating better and respectful health efforts, combating prejudice especially among young people, promoting openness and inclusion in the labor market and combating homophobia and transphobia in public spaces, sports and sports. At the same time, a cross-sectoral review of legislation will be conducted to see if there are places for renewal.
In addition, counseling, networking and support for the entire group are also strengthened outside the metropolitan areas, and specifically to homosexual, bisexual or transgendered ethnic minority backgrounds.
The government has, together with the parties behind the betting pool (Social Democracy, Danish People's Party, Alternate, Radical Left and Socialist People's Party) allocated 25 million. DKK 15 to 15 of the initiatives in the action plan, extending from 2018-2021. The other initiatives are financed within the ministries' own framework.
Selected numbers:
- Each third Nydan LGBT person (33 per cent) has been considering suicide in the past year, while 19 per cent applies. of the other LGBT people.
- Actual suicide attempts occur around three times as often among LGBT people (8.3% versus 2.6% for men and 11.8% versus 4.2% for women).
- 40 pct. of LGBT people are to a low degree or not at all open about their sexuality or gender identity at the workplace.
- 64 pct. of Danish LGBT people have experienced negative comments or behavior in school due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.
- 49 pct. Danish LGBT people avoid publicly keeping in touch with a partner of the same gender for fear of assaults, threats or harassment.
- More than 50 pct. of Danish transgender avoids places of fear of attacks, threats or harassment.
- 33 pct. of Norwegian LGBT people have considered suicide (in the control group of ethnic Danish LGBT people 19% had considered suicide in the past year)
- 22 pct. of neo-nehemans perceive homosexuality as a disease.
- 29 pct. of neo-neighbors are opposed to allowing sex-change surgery.