Eight legal hotspots for global LGBT+ rights in 2020

by Hugo Greenhalgh

LONDON, Jan 7 (Openly) - From Caribbean "buggery laws" to U.S. bathrooms, here are some of the key court cases that are likely to dominate the headlines for LGBT+ rights in 2020:

1. United States - The U.S. Supreme Court is due to rule before June as to whether LGBT+ people are protected by the 1964 Civil Rights Act's ban on discrimination at work. Access to bathrooms for transgender students and lawsuits against the Pentagon over HIV-positive military personnel who were dismissed or banned from deployment are also hot-button topics where rulings are expected.

2. Botswana - A ruling is expected on a government appeal against a High Court ruling in June last year to decriminalise gay sex, making Botswana one of a handful of African countries to accept same-sex relations.

3. Singapore - The High Court could rule on decriminalisation of gay sex this year. At least three men have filed cases arguing the law is unconstitutional or violates human dignity.

Read the full list via Openly