Philippines: Sex, drugs and disease: The deadly mix

Five naked, unconscious young men sprawled in different positions on two couches and on a carpet were captured in a series of photos on Kenjo's mobile phone. He was the first to wake up the morning after an all-night party so he took pictures before heading home.

He said one of the naked men is a celebrity, hence, the photos are on his phone for “a few-minute-keepsake” that he promised to delete. “I’m not gonna show them or post them somewhere," he said. “We have a sworn oath not to do that. Guys who violate this oath are cut off.”
Kenjo (not his real name) was the sixth in that night’s “party and play,” also called P&P or PnP that is commonly associated with men who meet up to have casual, nonstop sex aided by a mixture of narcotics, party or recreational drugs, and liquor or energy drinks. 

To males who engage in group sex, PnP has many names including “partee’ and play,” “chemsex session,” “fly high,” "rave," “slam,” “chill” and “circuit party,” all with the use of drinks and drugs that lower inhibitions, boost physical activity and prolong penile erections for sustained sex with multiple partners, which means everyone participating in the party. These are often done without protection (condoms), when they engage in what they call "bareback," during fellatio or blowjob (oral sex) and penetrative anal sex, hence, the term "bareback orgy." Read more via ABS

Part Two: A perilous phenomenon

Karl Reiner Agbulos, a researcher from De La Salle University whose masteral thesis was "Chemsex: The Episodic Influence of Drug Use on Sexual Behavior among MSM (men who have sex with men) in Metro Manila" said according to international studies, the term “parteE' and play” was first used in Europe because the partiers started with Ecstasy (E) as their major drug of choice before they tried other stimulants. "Chemsex" also became a byword due to the combination of chems (drugs) and sex.

"PnP is a complicated phenomenon, a kind of sexual behavior among different kinds of MSM of different age groups. Their views, social and sexual networks, motivations, intentions and reasons for drug use in the context of sex are unique and specific to each individual," he said.

The altering effect of PnP was reflected in the responses of the 20 interviewees who thought drugs are dangerous and unlawful, but changed their views after they joined parties, saying "there is nothing wrong if drugs are used recreationally or as a means to escape." Their first try, which they noted with "euphoric, pleasurable feelings," was out of curiosity and was voluntary, not peer pressure. Read more via ABS