US: Mormon Professor Says She Was Fired for Pro-LGBTQ Facebook Post

An instructor at a Mormon university says she was fired after she refused to retract a Facebook post affirming her support of LGBTQ rights.

Ruthie Robertson, 22, was an adjunct professor of international politics at Brigham Young University-Idaho, a private college affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), when she felt inspired by Pride Month to "reveal some things in the name of authenticity."

"This is my official announcement and declaration that I believe heterosexuality and homosexuality are both natural and neither is sinful," Robertson wrote in a Facebook post on June 5. "I will never support the phrase “love the sinner, hate the sin” because that “sin” is part of who that person is."

A week after posting to Facebook, Robertson received a call from Eric Walz, dean of the College of Language and Letters at BYU-Idaho, who informed her she would be allowed to finish classes through the rest of the semester, but could not return to teach in the fall. Previously, Robertson had met with Walz and Michael Eaton, associate academic vice president at BYU-Idaho, to discuss the motivations for her post. Read more via NBC