Business and Technology — LGBT News and events indexed — Equal Eyes

Business and Technology

Senegal: big controversy around a review on homosexuality

An agent of the Senegalese ministry of education was "relieved of his functions" for having made floor of future candidates for the English test of the baccalaureate on a subject around homosexuality, although he has apologized , we learned Tuesday 1 st from the ministry.

China dating app helps raise awareness of LGBT issues

Discussion of LGBT issues remains contentious in China, with activists complaining of tightened restrictions on public discussion in recent years. But despite being repeatedly shut down in the first few years of its existence, Blued has largely avoided conflict with authorities

US: New Federal Contractors’ Rule Creates “Essentially Limitless” Exemption for Discrimination

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) today announced a final rule that dramatically expands the ability of federal contractors to claim religious exemptions from federal nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity laws and regulations.

US: Department of Labor Publishes Final Rule to Implement Legal Requirements for Religious Exemption

This rule will encourage the full and equal participation of religious organizations as federal contractors. Religious organizations, many of them small nonprofits, provide such essential services as feeding the hungry, supporting refugees, and educating our nation’s students.

Chile: Murders and beatings of men who make dates with other men through apps on the rise

El Movilh pointed out that in less than a year 4 people have been killed and about 15 beaten, in a context where 84.9% of homo / bisexual men acknowledge that they agree to dates with other men through applications. The last fatal victim was Miguel Arenas Rodríguez, murdered in Colina The family, together with the Movih, are preparing a complaint

Russia: Does being gay get in the way of getting a job?

The Catholic Church has supported the right of same-sex couples to found a family. In Russia, the rights of sexual minorities to register civil unions are not recognized. In addition to the impossibility of starting a family, LGBT people in the country face domestic aggression and difficulties in finding a job. Gazeta.Ru investigated whether harassment of the community could affect business, work, and brain drain.