The Shifting Global Terrain of L.G.B.T.Q. Rights

This year, and especially this month, events and celebrations in countries around the world are marking the growing acceptance of people who identify as L.G.B.T.Q.

Some, like New York City and San Francisco, are splashy and spectacular. Others, like Lexington, Ky., and Bilbao, Spain, are much more modest, even wary, but they are still celebrations.

There are other places in the world, however, where acceptance of people in the L.G.B.T.Q. community has been slower, or has shown no signs of progress at all.

Julie Dorf, co-founder and senior adviser of the Council for Global Equality in San Francisco, said the 193 United Nations member states were sharply divided.

“In a glass half-full representation, the consensus is definitely one that is slowly bending toward one of equal rights and inclusion of L.G.B.T.Q. people,” she said, “and yet the world is increasingly either in that camp or in a fairly opposite camp — with not a lot in between.”

But, she added: “I don’t think other countries will join the Russias and Egypts of the world that have an intentional homophobic agenda.”

For example, she said, in Belize, activists who struggled over many years to decriminalize same-sex intimacy and experienced extreme hostility and even death threats, were now being courted by the government. “It’s an amazing transformation, it’s a model for the Caribbean,” Ms. Dorf said.

Here are some recent trends from around the world. Read more via the New York Times