One in five people in the United States has a sexually transmitted infection, according to estimates released Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That means nearly 68 million people are positive for STIs
US: Young Men Unaware of Risks of HPV Infection, Need for Vaccination
Switzerland: Lesbian is still a big word
US: Sexually Transmitted Disease Cases Rise to Record High, C.D.C. Says
Circumcision to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men: a systematic review and meta-analysis of global data
Human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer
US: First Multipurpose Gel Designed to Prevent HIV, HSV, and HPV Simultaneously in Women and Men Advances in Clinical Trials
Prevalence of HPV16 High Among HIV-Positive Men Having Sex With Men
France: HPV16 highly prevalent among HIV-positive MSM
Although a third of anal cancers in HIV-positive patients did not contain HPV16, no other single HPV type predominated in these cancers. The authors of the meta-analysis believe their findings have implications for HPV vaccination strategies in patients with HIV, concluding “nine-valent would provide a larger gain in HIV-positive than HIV-negative individuals.”