Indonesia: Religious leaders soften stance on LGBTs

Amid growing pressure from Muslim clerics to seek harsher punishment for members of the LGBT community, an interfaith forum has agreed to take a more humane approach, defying the Indonesian Ulema Council’s (MUI) calls for prosecution of the minority group. The group, however, said that the religiously devout should only embrace members of the LGBT community in order to “reform” them.

Religious leaders representing Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism and Confucianism held a meeting at the MUI headquarters to issue a joint statement on the LGBT issue, in which they concluded that a peaceful approach was the only way to deal with members of the LGBT community before they could turn to faith to be cured. 

Despite endorsing the interfaith agreement, the MUI maintained its official stance demanding the prosecution of LGBT people, which the organization announced in an edict issued on Wednesday. Read more via Jakarta Post