Using sexual and reproductive health services can be awkward. This feeling of discomfort can discourage people from asking their doctor about contraceptive options or to check out infections. For people with physical disabilities there are additional challenges such as healthcare workers’ prejudice with regards to their right to have sex and children. South Africa’s Constitution grants people with disabilities the same access to healthcare as the rest of the population. But as the results of a South African study show, the reality is quite different.
Queering the the COSP: an intersectional and inclusive perspective
New handbook on sexual and gender minority mental health
Filmmaker and Activist Tourmaline on How to Freedom Dream
No exceptions with COVID-19: “Everyone has the right to life-saving interventions” – UN experts say
TikTok owns up to censoring some users' videos to stop bullying
TikTok curbed reach for people with disabilities
#DisRainbow: What We Learned from the First ILGA-Europe Gathering of D/deaf and Disabled LGBTI Activists
US: LGBT People With Disabilities
New research shows that LGBT people are more likely to have a disability than the general population. For example, in a survey of more than 26,000 transgender people, 39% reported having a disability. And one in three lesbians and one in three bisexual women report having a disability in a population-based survey in Washington.