Winds of Change

New Zealand: Should New Zealand drop gender for birth certificates, licences?

In New Zealand, citizens have the freedom to change their gender identity on citizenship records. Kiwis can choose to have passports marked with male, female or X, without the need to amend the details on birth certificates or citizenship records.

Chinese activists renew push for same-sex marriage in their thousands

Chinese activists are rallying in their thousands to renew a push for same-sex marriage, making use of a rare window of opportunity to suggest revisions to a draft piece of legislation to include legal protections for the gay community.

Using International and Foreign Law in Human Rights Litigation: The Decriminalization of Homosexuality in Belize

International and foreign law is a powerful tool of transnational human rights advocates. Through litigation, advocates can create a global body of persuasive fundamental rights jurisprudence that can be used across borders.