Abby Stein discovered what the word "transgender" meant — and that the term accurately described her — when she snuck on the internet for the very first time back in 2011, in a mall bathroom, at the age of 20.
Organizers are demanding the university condemn homophobic rhetoric on campus, allow LGBTQ events on campus and promote dialogue between students and faculty members
There is a conflict at once simple and profound at play in the question of homosexuality within traditional Judaism. It is simple in that it is easy to articulate. It is profound in its import both for our community and for our attitude towards halakha.
Progressive faith movements are distinct from those on the “religious right” in many ways; one clear difference is progressive movements’ incredible diversity.
In their zeal to stop gay people from adopting kids in need, conservatives have empowered state-funded agencies to turn away anyone they deem unsuitable.
Members or leaders of religion and belief groups, educationists, campaigners and school leaders warn the Department for Education against any dilution of LGBT advice in the independent school standards