First-ever Jamaica transgender strategy looks beyond health

Imagine using a health-care system that has no concept of you as a person, or of your unique needs. Nurses might not ask important questions. Doctors might overlook the solutions you really require. You might feel unwelcome.

UN: International Day of the Girl: ‘Be bold in your demands’, urges UN deputy chief

As the COVID-19 pandemic increases gender, economic and racial inequalities, the UN on Friday marked the upcoming International Day of the Girl, with a youth-driven virtual townhall to demand a more just and equitable world for girls.

IDG 2020: Working Group on Girls Town Hall

For International Day of the Girl, the Working Group on Girls is hosting a town hall meeting on Friday, October 9th, where girl activists, gender equity thought leaders, and United Nations representatives from around the world, come together to discuss progress and gaps around girls rights and articulate the possibilities for realizing gender equality for all girls.

COVID-19 has “devastating” effect on women and girls

Natalia Kanem, executive director of the UN Population Fund, is among experts warning about disrupted health services and a surge in gender-based violence. Sophie Cousins reports.

Kenya: LGBT+ delegates say sidelined at 'inclusive' global sexual health summit

A global summit on sexual and reproductive health hailed by organisers as being an inclusive event failed to adequately hear the voices of sexual minorities, some LGBT+ delegates said as the three-day event ended on Thursday.

UNFPA: ICPD25 Outlines Pathway for Attaining the Rights of Women and Girls

ICPD25, held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi from November 12-14 and marking the 25th anniversary of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, Egypt, ended with bold commitments towards attainment of the rights of women and girls.

UNAIDS: Statement of commitment to step up action towards ending AIDS, eliminate social injustice and reach the women and girls being left behind

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD),  where 179 governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action. The Programme of Action unequivocally affirmed reproductive rights as human rights, fundamental to the empowerment of women and girls and to achieving gender equality and sustainable development more broadly.

UNAIDS and the United Nations Population Fund urge the Government of Brunei Darussalam to repeal new discriminatory and harmful criminal law provisions

UNAIDS and UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, are seriously concerned by new criminal law provisions that came into force yesterday, 3 April 2019, in Brunei Darussalam.

The African Union and UNAIDS, as Chair of the H6 partnership, join forces to tackle sexual and gender-based violence and health in humanitarian crises

Action-based partnership to support women and girls announced by health and political leaders at a high-level event at the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Implementing the Action plan for sexual and reproductive health – how policies can make a real difference

When national and regional experts in sexual and reproductive health from 21 countries met in Stockholm, Sweden, on 30–31 August 2018, a success story from Portugal illustrated how policy changes in this area can make a huge difference.