Pride in Diversity piloted a series of regional programs to bring member organisations' employees together with smaller business, local governments, sporting groups, and LGBTI community organisations.
Tolerance can grow from the inside out. In Africa, traditional families may at first feel shame in their LGBT members, but their strong values may also hold the group together.
“Coming Out”, in the sense of making a grand announcement about my life feels distant to me now. I remember calling each of my close friends, about 10 years ago, to tell them I was crushing on a girl from school.
For sex workers who are LGBT, discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity adds to and intensifies the discrimination they experience as sex workers, who are subjected to a distinct set of violations.
ANC Deputy Secretary General Jessie Duarte says that South African leaders must tackle LGBTIQ inequality with the same passion that they did apartheid.
Brazilian LGBT+ rights activists on Tuesday hailed Dutch retailer C&A for directing a new hiring campaign at underrepresented minorities, including transgender people.
“Towards the effective protection of LGBTI persons deprived of liberty” – the APT offers practical guidance on how to account for sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics in a torture prevention framework.
Five years after a referendum effectively banned gay marriage in Croatia, conservatives behind the vote will gather in a 5-star Zagreb hotel to mark the anniversary. Gay couples, however, have moved on to a new fight – for the right to foster or adopt children.