Vietnam — LGBT News and events indexed — Equal Eyes


In many Asian languages, 'LGBTQ' doesn't translate. Here's how some fill the gaps.

Many say it's hard to find accurate and affirming LGBTQ terms in their ancestral languages because existing words are often nonexistent, stereotypical or offensive. The globalizing influence of the internet and the fact that many Asian and Middle Eastern Americans continue to have connections abroad mean LGBTQ people on both continents continue to influence one another when it comes to language, culture and even politics.

Injectable PrEP offers superior efficacy to oral PrEP in clinical trial

PrEP administered as an injection every eight weeks was more effective in preventing HIV than oral PrEP in gay and bisexual men and transgender women, researchers confirmed at the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020: Virtual) today.

Creating CARE and Sustaining Well-Being: Reflections from Queer Organizing across South & Southeast Asia

A collaborative endeavor by Rima Athar, Liy Yusof and Sonaksha Iyengar–this publication illustrates conversations & reflections on building a framework for action on holistic well-being for activists

COVID19: Impact on LGBTIQ Adolescents and Youth in Southeast Asia, survey

This survey is for LGBTIQ young people living in East and Southeast Asia, and is run by Youth Voices Count, Equal Asia Foundation and Prism Chat in collaboration with UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and Pacific.

Vietnam accused of teaching young people that being gay is a ‘disease’

Young people in Vietnam continue to be taught at home and at school that same-sex attraction is a “disease” and a “mental illness” that can be cured and treated, despite legislation designed to support and protect LGBTQ+ rights.

Stonewall 50: Where next for LGBT+ lives?

"I think it's unfortunate that people argue over who threw the first brick because the relevant thing is not who threw the first brick, but who built the movement, who stayed around and who actually did the tough work," LGBT+ rights activist Power said.

The 2010’s – a Major Decade for The LGBTQ Community

We’ve come a long way in the last 10 years. We’ve made a lot of progress but we’ve also lost some ground internationally when it comes to LGBTQ rights. Here is a review of the last decade.