Those who suffer from intersecting forms of discrimination are often pushed into a vicious circle during their entire lives.
UN LGBTI Core Group High Level Event: Building Back Better. - Save the Date
Panorama of the legal recognition of gender identity in the Americas
The American continent is characterized by being the most violent region towards people with Non-normative gender identities in the world. These cycles of violence, present in all areas of life of trans people, are intermingled with high levels of discrimination and stigmatization, resulting in lack of access to their civil, political, economic, social rights, cultural and environmental.
The 2010’s – a Major Decade for The LGBTQ Community
Bolivia’s Oscar Entry Is a Poetic Look at a Father’s Complicated Grief After Losing His Gay Son
IACHR Publishes Report on Progress and Challenges toward Recognition of the Rights of LGBTI Persons in the Americas
In the Americas, violence, discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes prevent lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people from fully exercising their rights. However, significant progress has also been made towards protecting, recognizing and guaranteeing the rights of LGBTI people in a number of countries in the region.